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Vaccine : 3 side effects affecting women’s menstruation & Perimenopause

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More Women in pre, perimenopause and post menopause are experiencing side effects to their Menstruation following the vaccine.  This information is for knowledge and empowerment, not medical advice.

In my own clinic I am hearing or seeing more women in their 40's and 50's having earlier or later periods, I also know of 80 year old women who have started vagina bleeding following their jab.  My experience to date shows most women's cycles return to a usual pattern.  However it's important to speak or report changes to your GP / Medical Practitioner or Health Professional.  Post Menopause bleeding must be reported.  I advice all women to keep track of their period dates, symptoms and flow via a Period Tracking app or make notes in their diary or phone.

As a Health Coach specialising in women's hormones, I feel it's important to share this information to keep you informed and to empower you to become responsible for your well-being.

Need 121 Help with your Peri Menopause drop me an Email - Use the Link here  Contact

Below is an article by The Daily Express Newspaper in the UK, and the Data from the Government Website.

Delayed and Unexpected Bleeding 

The following article is from the Daily Express newspaper, read full article here

More reports are emerging of women experiencing changes in their menstruation after receiving the vaccine. What are the three common menstruation changes being reported?


Common side effects caused by the vaccine include a headache, pain in the injected region, fever, fatigue and nausea. However, some women are even experiencing changes in their menstrual cycle after getting the jab. Although there is no study to link the two, experts say they are seeing cases of women reporting changes in their menstrual cycle.

Side effects have included:

  • Heavier than usual periods
  • Delayed periods
  • Unexpected vaginal bleeding.

Dr Shree Datta, expert gynaecologist for INTIMINA, discussed how the vaccine could affect a women’s period.

She began: “Whilst research is limited in this area, studies are emerging which suggest that COVID-19 has a short-lived impact hormonal balance on periods.

“It's worth noting that a global event such as the pandemic itself may affect individuals psychologically and physically to differing extents - depending on their mental wellbeing at that time.

“One study found that around 20 percent of women who had COVID-19 either had lighter periods or a prolonged menstrual cycle - but there's been no suggestion that this has impacted fertility in the longer term.”

Menstrual Disorders via the Coronavirus Vaccine - summary of Yellow Card reporting UK Gov Website 

The following data is available on the UK Government website, link below.  Data is produced by (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) and © Crown copyright 2021 

The following reports reflect data up to 21 July 2021.

Menstrual disorders (period problems) and unexpected vaginal bleeding

The MHRA is investigating reports of menstrual disorders (period problems) and unexpected vaginal bleeding following vaccination against COVID-19 in the UK.

These reports are also being reviewed by the independent experts of the Commission on Human Medicines’ COVID-19 Vaccines Benefit Risk Expert Working Group and the Medicines for Women’s Health Expert Advisory Group.

A total of 27,510 reports of a variety of menstrual disorders have been reported after all three of the COVID-19 vaccines including heavier than usual periods, delayed periods and unexpected vaginal bleeding. This is following approximately 43.4 million COVID-19 vaccine doses administered to women up to 21 July 2021.

The number of reports of menstrual disorders and vaginal bleeding is low in relation to both the number of females who have received COVID-19 vaccines to date and how common menstrual disorders are generally.

Menstrual disorders are very common (accounting for 12% of all referrals to gynaecology services) and can result from a variety of factors including undiagnosed underlying conditions such as fibroids and exposure to stress.

There is some evidence for changes to the menstrual cycle following infection with COVID-19 and in women affected by long-COVID. The menstrual changes reported are mostly transient in nature and there is no evidence that short term changes in the menstrual cycle or administration of the COVID-19 vaccines are associated with negative effects on fertility.

Advice about period problems and/or unexpected vaginal bleeding is available at It is important that anyone experiencing menstrual disorders and/or unexpected vaginal bleeding seeks medical advice, and these events should be investigated in line with clinical guidance to understand the underlying cause.

Any bleeding from the vagina after the menopause needs to be checked by a GP. The MHRA continues to closely review reports of menstrual disorders and unexpected vaginal bleeding.

Full Article and Document via the following weblink



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