My top Herbal teas for Menopause
If you’re like me you’ll be well aware that the big high street coffee chains have brought out their Red cups or Christmas drink selections full of syrups, creams and naughtiness. Yes, I’m so tempted, I love my gingerbread lattes……. and that new Starbucks Marshmallow hot chocolate is just too scrummy! Not making me look quite so scrummy with the Menopause Tummy though.
I’ve swapped my morning caffeine for hot water and lemon and reduced my daily cuppa for a nice cup of herbal tea. But besides being a tasty, warming, caffeine-free pick-me-up, herbal tea has lots of wonderful health benefits. From soothing a troubled tummy to easing insomnia and calming a troubled mind (yes... sounding more like peri-menopause every moment), herbs have all sorts of healing powers. Drinking herbal tea can also be a great source of vitamins and minerals.
Let’s take a quick look at herbal tea benefits:
What is herbal tea? Well it isn’t really made from tea, as that’s a specific type of plant. The French use the word tisane, which is a little more accurate, since herbal tea is really just an infusion of leaves, seeds, roots or bark, extracted in hot water.
The benefits of herbal tea. The best way, if you have time is to make your own tea infusion, often you’ll gain more benefit from a good cup of home brewed organic herbal tea that you will your vitamin pills. Plus, you stay hydrated and benefit from the aromatherapy whilst drinking it.
How to choose an herbal tea. There are so many different brands in the supermarket today. If you don’t have time or the ingredients to make your own, it’s important to look for a well-sourced product made from high-quality ingredients. If you’re drinking tea for the medicinal benefits, then definitely steer clear of products that add things like essential oils or flavours. And to really get the full benefits from drinking herbal tea, make sure you steep your loose tea or tea bags long enough—in some cases, as long as 10 to 15 minutes—to really bring out all the healthful properties. Plus if you're on medication please check with your doctor for any contraindications, some may interact.
Every time you’re eating or drink something, you’re giving your body the building blocks it needs to manufacture tissues and hormones. So, if you drink an herbal infusion every day, you can make all sorts of significant changes to your mood, your skin, your sense of well-being and energy. There are so many wonderful herbal teas to choose from. Here are a few of the most common. Don’t be afraid to try something new! And let us know what you’re drinking.
Peppermint tea
Peppermint tea is great to relieve the symptoms of abdominal gas and bloating, and to relieve muscle spasms. It’s also good for nausea (without vomiting) and for heating up the body and making it sweat. It’s easy to make with fresh herbs from the garden—and it’s one of the easiest herbs to grow. Sipping cool peppermint tea can also help relieve the hot flushes of menopause, and many women struggle with stomach symptoms at this time.
Ginger tea
Another great digestive aid, ginger can be used to curb nausea, vomiting or upset stomach due to motion sickness. I’ve had Labyrinthitis recently, so ginger and lemon tea is all I’ve been able to manage. To make your own fresh ginger tea simply simmering a piece of ginger root on the stove for 10 to 15 minutes—add fresh lemon juice and honey when you have a cold for a powerful germ-fighting combination. It’s also useful in the first signs of catching a chill and is well known to help morning sickness or nausea feelings. It can also help with stress and anxiety.
Chamomile tea
A gentle calming and sedative tea made from flowers; chamomile tea can be helpful for insomnia. It can also be helpful with digestion after a meal. I recommend chamomile in cases of a cough and bronchitis, when you have a cold or fever, or as a gargle for inflammation of the mouth. Be sure to steep it well to get all the medicinal benefits. It’s also useful to soothe the stomach and helpful in cases of diarrhoea, nausea, stomach pain including period pain.
Cinnamon in herbal tea helps improve digestive problems too. It’s a warming tonic, wonderful for easing winter chills, and also or people who feel the cold. It's also useful to balance blood sugar levels, so anyone with diabetes or sugar cravings might want to try this. Add some to your lemon and honey infusion.
Fennel or Liquorice
I’m not a fan of liquorice flavour, but don’t let it put you off. Add some honey for indigestion. Or for a weak cup, crush fennel seeds, pouring over boiling water and straining into a mug, or add to your peppermint tea. Liquorice tea is quite sweet, so have a cup instead of those sweets your craving. It's also high in phytoestrogen, plant based oestrogen that can help to balance low oestrogen symptoms.
Rooibos tea
This is high in vitamin C as well as other minerals, rooibos has all sorts of health benefits. An easy drinking tea (actually taste quite similar to normal tea but without caffeine- you can add milk), it’s largely grown in South Africa and has been touted for its antioxidant properties—which may in turn help ward off disease and the signs of aging. It has also been shown to help with common skin concerns, such as eczema.
Ginko Biloba
This contains phytoestrogens similar to red clover extract, it can raise oestrogen levels naturally improving hormonal imbalance, and it's said to help with moods and PMS type symptoms in peri-menopause.
Lemon balm tea
An easy-to-grow plant, lemon balm is helpful for lifting the spirits, so great in the winter and for those low mood days. This herb also makes a refreshing iced tea and can be flavoured with lemon or maple syrup.
Milk thistle and dandelion tea
When drank as a tea, milk thistle or dandelion are gentle liver cleansers. They help the liver to regenerate and function at a higher capacity, and can also assist in the production of bile, which can help with our digestive process. A useful drink to have handy during the festive season or for those who have gall bladder issues.
Rosehip tea
Rosehips are the fruit of the rose plant and are one of the best plant sources of vitamin C, which is important for the immune system, skin and tissue health and adrenal function. Consider reaching for rosehip tea next time you need a health boost.
Hibiscus flowers contain high levels of antioxidants, and in tea, it is helpful for the inflammation of mucus membranes such as sore throats, gum disease and cystitis.
Another tea to aid digestion, lemongrass is good for “bloating and flatulence” amongst other things. It is also helpful for headaches and good for nervous exhaustion.
Raspberry Leaf
Now for those of us who are Mums, you'll know this herbal brew is particularly good for pregnant women. Drinking raspberry leaf tea can help to relieve morning sickness, and later in pregnancy, two to three cups per day can lead to an easier delivery. Now it hasn't been proven to ease menopause symptoms, but it can lesson heavy periods.
Proven to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes and night sweats in menopausal women, and said to lesson the risk of cardiovascular disease in post menopause. A study in 2010 showed that red ginseng can improve womens sexual arousal and sex life! Be careful if you're on medication for blood pressure, diabetes and blood thinners as it can interact, so speak with your doctors.
Now this one is great for sleeping, as well as anxiety and headaches. It may also help with joint pain and reduce hot flashes! I'd take this one in the evening and avoid taking it frequently and definitely don't take it after alcohol.
Let me know which is your favourite…….
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