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Tinnitus in Perimenopause

Self Hypnosis

An unusual symptom of perimenopause and menopause is tinnitus, or ringing in the ear.  Tinnitus is more likely as we age, it’s important to educate ourselves about all the symptoms and seek help or support.

Tinnitus is a perception of noise or ringing in the ears that affects up to 20 percent of all people.  Women who suffer with tinnitus sometimes have phantom symptoms of ringing, clicking, humming, whistling in their ears.

Women who suffer from tinnitus often report phantom symptoms of ringing, buzzing, roaring, clicking, humming, or hissing in the ears.  Tinnitus is a sign of an underlying imbalance in the body.

The link is relatively unclear, but it seems to occur with hormone imbalance, age or other factors such as infections.  You may have suffered during pregnancy due to the hormone fluctuations.  Then our hearing starts to worsen as we get older and as our fertile years come to an end.

It can also be caused by increased exposure to loud noise, ear infections, earwax blockages, colds, or more chronic health conditions including blood pressure, medication side effects, changes to the ear bone or other factors.

What can you do to help?

It’s important to get to the root cause, have your ears checked and to check for underlying conditions, but here’s a few tips

  • Avoiding possible irritants. These include nicotine, caffeine, and loud noises.
  • Manage your stress levels. Excess stress can worsen tinnitus.
  • Reduce that alcohol. Alcohol causes a greater blood flow to the ears by dilating the blood vessels, possibly worsening inner ear problems, like tinnitus.
  • Turn down the noise. Turn down radio, TV, fans, soft simulated sounds, air conditioners, as well as performing tinnitus retraining can all subdue the phantom noise women experience.
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can work for some women to balance the hormone fluctuation.
  • Add in diet changes more phytoestrogen rich foods to help balance the hormones.
  • Exercise to boost your mood and reduce stress
  • Alternative Medicine Homeopathy and herbs can help, book a call with The Hormone Fairy here to find out how it can help you.
  • Herbs like Black Cohosh and St Johns Wort help some women, please work with The Hormone Fairy or consult a Herbalist as herbs can interact negatively with medication.

How can The Hormone Fairy help you during Menopause?

Are you struggling with your Hormones, you don’t have to be a hostage to them.   This is the prime of your life and it’s time to step into your power, feel happier, sexy and back to your old self.

Let me, Cat The Hormone Fairy wave my magic wand!  If you’re ready for something different, ready to take the first step on a journey to a healthier and happier you, then I’m excited to help you make those changes.

  • Book a Breakthrough session to find out how you can work with me.  Whether that’s 121 Hormone Coaching, Hormone Testing, a Group 30 Day program or a Menopause Mastermind. Click the link below to book a 15-minute chat or drop me a message via the contact page.
  • JOINour Private Facebook Hub where you can ask me questions, learn more of my top tips, feel supported, join challenges and make new friends.  Click here to enter
  • Attend an Event Come along to our Monthly Menopause Meet-ups locally, Menopause & Mochas during the day or Mocktails & Menopause in the evening. Organised with my sister company "Menopause Tribe" – A chance to chat, learn, share experiences, feel supported, make friends and have fun.  There’s also 1 Day Workshops & Retreats, and weekend Retreats to help you get back on track.  Keep an eye out on our Website, Facebook Page, Instagram for our latest events.
  1. This blog is intended for advice, you are responsible for your own health & wellbeing. Please book a consultation for individualised advice or speak with your GP or Health Practitioner


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