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Supplements for Perimenopause

My Mum went through the Menopause at 42, so I wasn't surprised when I started to see symptoms of the Perimenopause in my late 30's, especially as I was going through a period of stress in my life.

As my ovaries started to go into decline, and my hormone levels naturally lowered I was seeing symptoms like weight gain, night sweats, brain fog and mood swings.  I made changes to my lifestyle, watched my diet more carefully, reduced the stress, added in daily meditation and mindfulness, swapped the cardio classes for more weight sessions and yoga and increased my nutritional supplements!  All of these changes helped me to create the 30 Day Hormone & Hot Flush Package.

When it comes to the nutritional supplement side of things, I often get friends and clients showing me the low cost supplements they’ve bought off the supermarket shelf.  Remember cheap does not equal quality.  Approximately 85% of supplements on the market today are so called “white label” products. They’re often made by manufacturers and distributed to companies to be branded, so many have no quality assurance and many products on the market today contain bulking agents such as talc, colourings and flavourings.

If you’re confused then contact me for a Nutritional Supplement consultation, I recommend organic and GMO free supplements of the highest quality giving you piece of mind.

So what should you be taking?

Everyone is different so I recommend a Nutritional supplement consultation to find out which areas of your body are struggling. I recommend organic and GMO free supplements of the highest quality giving you piece of mind.

In general here’s the ones I would recommend for Perimenopausal clients or anyone with PMS symptoms and the ones that I too personally take.

Vitamin C and B Complex – During the perimenopause phase its vital to support and nourish the adrenal glands, I take a supplement that combines Vitamin C and B complex together with other nutrients.  It enhances the body’s ability to adapt to the hormonal fluctuation by reducing the cortisol production in the body, which can lead to insomnia and nervousness!  It’s great to relieve stress and anxiety, tension and muscle aches.

Omegas 3, 6 and 9 – These essential fatty acids support the liver and are the building blocks for your hormones and help to balance them, I use a brand made from flaxseeds which contain lignans that help to flush out excess oestrogen from the system.

Magnesium – Again helpful to reduce the affects of cortisol on the body, it encourages relaxation, so I always take mine prior to bed.

Evening Primrose Oil – containing vitamin E, this one great to reduce Hot Flushes!

Zambrosa – I take a shot of this antioxidant drink to reduce inflammation, particularly a few days prior to my period starting. It’s also good to boost the immune system and to help the skin.

Probiotics – If you’ve been on medication, antibiotics, had a period of stress or recently did a cleanse or detox, then Probiotics help to rebalance the good gut bacteria boosting your immune system.

Can I get these from you?

I created a 30 Day Hormone & Hot Flush Solution Program which includes most of these nutritional supplements, it’s a great way to bring your body into balance.  Click on the Link here to find out more 30 day package

Are you unsure which supplements you need, then let’s book you in for a Discovery call.  Fill out the form and let's chat.....  Contact

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