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Milton Keynes girls guide to Perimenopause & Menopause

Girls guide to Perimenopause

Let’s Talk the P Word – A Girls Guide to understanding Perimenopause, Menopause & Beyond - Online training and Live Milton Keynes Workshop, get your Questions answered!

Menopause can feel like a dirty word, a word whispered in hushed tones!

But that’s not how it should be.

Plus many women, don’t understand it, or bury their heads in the sand as Menopause reminds them of ageing!

Let’s face it if you’re in your late 30’s, early to mid 40’s (like us) or a 50 something, our school education taught us nothing about Menopause!  Our hormone education gave us just the basics to get us through our monthly cycle and how to prevent pregnancy!

So many women start to feel isolated at this time, wondering what’s going on and struggle to find the information or get help from the GP, especially in the early 40’s, often being told “You’re too young to be in menopause”.

And the reason, according to Dr Pemberton “I was taught next to nothing about the menopause at medical school, except for a brief lecture on HRT in my second year which only emphasised the risks. It certainly didn’t go into any detail about menopausal symptoms. That was it.”

In a survey 66% of women were prescribed antidepressants by their GP when attending with perimenopause symptoms.  80% of these women felt antidepressants were an “inappropriate” treatment for their perimenopause symptoms.

Can you relate to this?

Mood changes, anxiety, weight gain, period changes, temperature fluctuations, feeling like you’re going crazy . . .

Join us for “Girl Talk – Let’s talk about the “P” Word, let’s break the Taboo.

We want to make sure you have consistent information to make the right choices and thrive.  Our event is open to all women in their 30’s, 40 and 50’s who are interested in understanding what’s going on with their Hormones and how to navigate the Perimenopause journey through to Menopause and beyond!

Menopause doesn’t have to make you miserable!

It can be a time when many women become anxious or worry about what’s happening, and every woman will experience it differently.

We’ll be sharing what to expect, some of the unusual signs and symptoms and how you can manage when you reach Perimenopause or menopause.

Come join us

LIVE in Person - Next Event

Thursday 21st October 7.30pm start

Location  Abbey Hill Golf Centre, Monks Way, Milton Keynes MK8 8AA

Online Event

Join us for the online event Sunday 17th October 2021 7pm


Can’t make this event?

Hold a Menopause Meet-up in your workplace!

Are you a company with a cafe area, contact me to arrange a Menopause Meet-up in your workplace.  Drop me a message via the contact page

About Us

Arlette, Arlette’s Fitness

As a busy women myself and Mum of 2 wonderful children, I understand how hard it can be to fit in much needed “me time” with health, wellness and fitness. You are usually last in a long list of priorities.  As a Qualified Personal Trainer, I furthered my skills and passion in women’s health and fitness.  Gaining Certification as a Menopause & Wellness Coach, specialising in pelvic and core health.

Cat Armor, The Hormone Fairy

Just before my 40th, I started to feel like you!  I was showing early signs of perimenopause.  Mood swings, night sweats, weight gain, rocky relationships, irregular periods.  I was shocked at having these symptoms so early!  As a Qualified Homeopath with experience in Nutrition, Certified Menopause Health Coach and Hormone DUTCH Test Expert my passion is to help educate women in their symptoms and get the help they need.

Book your Free Discovery Call to find out more about Hormone Testing and How to work direct 121 with Cat, The Hormone Fairy - Book Now via this Link Book Now

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