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Menopause Podcast with Inner Woman Wellness

Last week I was lucky enough to join Georgia at Inner Woman Wellness for an Instagram live session, all about hormones, the menopause and a holistic way of approaching this phase of life.

Georgia created Inner Woman Wellness, a hub for women to find support and feel empowered about their own health, after she struggled to get her diagnosis and help for Endometriosis & Adenomyosis.

She asked women for their questions and she was swamped by the responses of women who felt overwhelmed and had no idea how to change how they were feeling – lethargic, angry, feeling like they’re going mad, frustrated all with a host of horrible symptoms that they were dealing with on a daily basis.

Here's the blog from Inner Woman Wellness.... and you can find the links to the Podcast and full interview below!

Menopause is still a taboo subject and it can make women feel extremely isolated. We need to have a better understanding for all of this phase of a woman’s life, during our conversation, Cat also revealed that menopause will now be on the school curriculum going forward which is great news – let’s hope this helps children to be a bit more understanding! During our discussion we also discussed that there are other options for a more natural way for women to handle the menopause, such as the services that Cat offers – homeopathy & nutrition.

Cat herself has been on quite the journey, she is a widow, a mum to 2 young adults and has suffered many other highs and lows in her life. Cat had an early introduction to alternative medicine, at the age of 21, her baby daughter had a bad reaction to her vaccinations and she has no support from her GP or local hospital. This is when she turned to Homeopathy. Since then, Cat and her whole family have always made healthy food choices, use herbs, homeopathic remedies, flower essences and ‘time out’ to help them recover quickly from acute illnesses and stressful situations. She is here to help you achieve the same in your life and to let you know that there are other options out there.

Cat’s approach is to let women talk for an hour, to be heard in a safe environment which is so hard for women to find these days! She would then conduct a hormone test and from there she can advise on homeopathic remedies and nutrition that can help alleviate the symptoms and help women to lead a better life. We also spoke about just how important nutrition and gut health is to all women, this is something that women just don’t even think about and we need to raise more awareness of just how important this is!

I really enjoyed speaking to Cat, I love the holistic approach she takes in her work and am inspired by how she helps women lead a better life. Her top 3 tips for women are:

  1. Gut health is key. Start looking at your gut health, perhaps adding in a probiotic and cutting out the rubbish – such as refined, caffeine/coffee, sugar and alcohol. Add in more veggies, phytoestrogen foods like broccoli into your diet too. If your gut isn’t healthy and you’re taking supplements, it won’t get absorbed by your body properly.
  2. Stress levels!! This is key! Look at all elements of your life and mark out of 10 how happy you are in each element, break it down and see how you can work on improving it.
  3. Stay hydrated! This can help all elements of your health.

Check out our episode here:

Or on Spotify:

To find out further information about Inner Woman Wellness, please visit the website:   and follow her on Instagram for some great content: @innerwomanwellness


The Hormone Fairy VIP Club is for busy women in their 40s and 50s who want to improve their hormones, understand the peri menopause, improve their energy and their moods!

This community was created for women like you (and quite frankly like me) who want to balance their hormones and moods naturally, who want to feel supported, heard and understood!  Who are ready to be inspired and are motivated to implement some changes in their health and their life going forward.

Click here to be added to the waiting list. MENOPAUSE MEMBERSHIP CLUB

How can The Hormone Fairy help you during Menopause?

Are you struggling with your Hormones, you don’t have to be a hostage to them.   This is the prime of your life and it’s time to step into your power, feel happier, sexy and back to your old self.

Let me, Cat The Hormone Fairy wave my magic wand!  If you’re ready for something different, ready to take the first step on a journey to a healthier and happier you, then I’m excited to help you make those changes.

  • Book a Breakthrough session to find out how you can work with me.  Whether that’s 121 Hormone Coaching, Hormone Testing, a Group 30 Day program or a Menopause Mastermind. Click the link below to book a 15-minute chat or drop me a message via the contact page.
  • JOINour Private Facebook Hub where you can ask me questions, learn more of my top tips, feel supported, join challenges and make new friends.  Click here to enter
  • Attend an Event Come along to our Monthly Menopause Meet-ups locally, Menopause & Mochas during the day or Mocktails & Menopause in the evening. Organised with my sister company "Menopause Tribe" – A chance to chat, learn, share experiences, feel supported, make friends and have fun.  There’s also 1 Day Workshops & Retreats, and weekend Retreats to help you get back on track.  Keep an eye out on our Website, Facebook Page, Instagram for our latest events.


This blog is intended for advice, you are responsible for your own health & wellbeing. Please book a consultation for individualised advice or speak with your GP or Health Practitioner

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