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Essential oils for Libido during Peri Menopause years!


Struggling with your libido during your 40’s and 50’s? Have you tried essential oils to heighten your libido and sex drive!

Women either find their sex drive goes through the roof and they enjoy sex and orgasm more, or their sex life vanishes. You can read more in this blog

Boost your Libido during Peri Menopause


Healthy Oestrogen Smoothie for Vagina Dryness and Painful Sex

Here’s 4 essential oils to help increase your libido

  • Pink pepper
  • Ylang ylang
  • Jasmine
  • Clary sage

Mix 1 or 2 drops of each in your hand with a carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil and pop on the soles of your feet and on your inner thighs .

Enjoy and thank me later

Buy Essential Oils

As a Homeopath & Health Coach I’m so pleased to be offering a few essential oils at a discounted rate to my clients.  They work perfectly alongside Homeopathic remedies, together with nutrition and are suitable for the whole family.

I also love sharing these products with other therapists who may want to bring the oils into their treatments.  I believe in a holistic approach to health, working alongside other therapists and education and most importantly to empower our clients to take care of their own health and healing.

You can either order DoTerra oils, or other branded oils which may be slightly cheaper. On both Weblinks – once you click through, set up an Account with your email and a password, this will get you the affiliate discount.

Click here to order your Discounted DoTerra oils

Click here to buy other Branded Essential oils

Join the Menopause Membership Club!

The Hormone Fairy VIP Members Club re-opens it’s doors in May. It’s an annual membership for women who are ready to understand their symptoms and take control of their hormones, their weight and physical and emotional health. Join the wait list.

How can The Hormone Fairy help you during Menopause?

Are you struggling with your Hormones, you don’t have to be a hostage to them.   This is the prime of your life and it’s time to step into your power, feel happier, sexy and back to your old self.

Let me, Cat The Hormone Fairy wave my magic wand!  If you’re ready for something different, ready to take the first step on a journey to a healthier and happier you, then I’m excited to help you make those changes.

  • Book a Breakthrough session to find out how you can work with me.  Whether that’s 121 Hormone Coaching, Hormone Testing, a Group 30 Day program or a Menopause Mastermind. Click the link below to book a 15-minute chat or drop me a message via the contact page.
  • JOINour Private Facebook Hub where you can ask me questions, learn more of my top tips, feel supported, join challenges and make new friends.  Click here to enter
  • Attend an Event Come along to our Monthly Menopause Meet-ups locally, Menopause & Mochas during the day or Mocktails & Menopause in the evening. Organised with my sister company "Menopause Tribe" – A chance to chat, learn, share experiences, feel supported, make friends and have fun.  There’s also 1 Day Workshops & Retreats, and weekend Retreats to help you get back on track.  Keep an eye out on our Website, Facebook Page, Instagram for our latest events.
  1. This blog is intended for advice, you are responsible for your own health & wellbeing. Please book a consultation for individualised advice or speak with your GP or Health Practitioner



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