Order your DUTCH Test Now - available UK, Europe & USA
DUTCH Complete Test for Perimenopause or Post menopause is the safe, easy and convenient way to test your hormones in the comfort and privacy of your own home. The DUTCH Test is a dried urine test for comprehensive Hormones. It's ideal for Peri menopause age women or women who are taking HRT.
The Dutch Test uses a special litmus paper to collect your urine samples. You provide 4-5 samples, let them dry overnight and then they are ready to ship back to the labs to be processed.
This is the most advanced and comprehensive hormone test on the market as it measures your hormones and hormone metabolites, which access hormone production and hormone breakdown.
![dutch test banner Hormone Testing](https://www.thehormonefairy.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/dutch-test-banner.jpg)
Why test your Hormones?
Over the years working with my female clients, I’ve learnt that if your steroid hormones are out of balance, it can affect every other system in your body. Testing your hormones (instead of guessing) is crucial to feeling better! Whilst Lab tests won’t cure you, test results can show you data on where your body may be struggling, enabling you to make some simple lifestyle changes, follow a natural or holistic path, or seek further Medical advice and investigation if necessary.
Watch the Video to hear more about the DUTCH Complete Test
I offer my clients one of the most advanced hormone tests, “The DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) by Precision Analytical Lab and Regenerus lab, showing an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones and melatonin, along with their metabolites, to help identify symptoms of hormonal imbalance. The test is easily collected in the comfort of your own home, over a 14 hour period, your samples are then sent off to the lab to be processed. Once you’ve received the results and advice, you can put a plan of action in place to get you feeling great again! Or book further consultation/package for follow ups.
Prices start at £285, additional cost for Consultation & Analysis or Packages
CLICK on Button Below to Order your Test, or Book A Call to discuss if the DUTCH Test or Blood Test is the right solution for you!
You can find out more about The Dutch Complete Test by Precision Analytical Lab here…… https://dutchtest.com/info-dutch-complete/
What is the Hormone Testing Package?
Step 1 – Let’s arrange a 15 minute chat over the phone, to check that Hormone Testing is the right package for you, and that we’re the right fit to work together. (Calls are charged at £10 and refunded upon booking a Test)
Step 2 – You’re in and ready to commit to finding out what’s going on inside and make the necessary changes! Click on a Button Below to order your Test. Option 1, Test Only from £257. Option 2 includes Consultation from £425. Option 3 includes consultation & ongoing support
You will receive instructions on how to take your Dutch Complete test, it’s not complicated but having an explanation will make it easier! Or Book you the Blood Tests your Require.
Step 3 – The test is sent to you with full instructions, or for Blood tests you can visit our Partner Clinics in your area, take the test and send it off to the Labs to be processed.
Step 4 – Your results are back and will be forwarded to you. If you book A consultation, We’ll schedule a 1 hour consultation via Zoom, where we’ll run through and analyse your test results. Plus you'll complete a Health form with Diet / Lifestyle and Symptoms. From there I’ll answer any questions you may have on the call, and recommend a lifestyle plan, dietary changes or supplements to help you get back on track with your health goals. (I believe some nutritional supplements or detox products are necessary in order to achieve optimal health, supplements are not included in the program and are at additional cost. I recommend high quality organic or medical grade supplements that I use myself, and offer discounts to my clients).
Step 5 – Following your Hormone Test analysis, some clients upgrade to a "Hormone Cleanse" or the “Hormone & Health Coaching Program”. The "VIP Members Club" is also available for ongoing support. This is for you if you have ongoing symptoms that you want to resolve, need on-going support, accountability and are truly committed to make necessary changes to achieve your health goals.
Our Female Hormone Blood Test measures the levels of female hormones and thyroid hormones in your blood which regulate fertility, mood and energy. Your test comes with a report by an expert doctor on your results and advise if your hormone levels are right for you, including any follow-up actions you should take.
Is it for you?
The Female Hormone Blood test can tell you whether a hormonal imbalance or thyroid problem may be causing your symptoms (such as acne, weight gain or tiredness). This test can allow you to track your hormone levels and understand how they change over time. Tracking your hormone levels over time can also tell you whether your hormone levels are decreasing with age. If you are taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT), this test can tell you whether your hormone levels remain in the normal range.
Prices start at £79 - Blood tests can be taking in your home via Finger Prick sample, or for an additional cost at a Partner Clinic local to you.
Is Hormone Testing right for you?
You’ve got symptoms, but not getting any answers
You’re confused over the advice you’ve been getting
You’re open to making lifestyle changes
You want to feel and look better
You know it’s time to start Investing in your health
Give me this Hormone Test!
You can order the Test by Clicking the Link here DUTCH Test Order
If you have questions, let’s have a 20 minute chat to answer your questions and check that this is the right program and that we’re the right fit to work together. Calls are charged at £10 (refunded upon booking a test, all callers receive an eBook with solutions) Drop me an Email to book!
Client Testimonials
"After having my second baby, I'd struggled with a variety of health issues and so was very relieved to find Cat and her support to complete a DUTCH Test, that finally gave me a clear picture of what exactly was going on with my body and its totally out of whack hormone levels. I cannot recommend Cat and the DUTCH Test enough - it has helped me take better charge of my health holistically and based on clear facts and data." Margot Clarvis