Corporate Menopause Training & Support
Menopause in the Workplace needs to be talked about!
Working whilst struggling with Peri or Post Menopausal symptoms can be challenging for some women. With hot flashes, insomnia, brain fog, mood swings, depression, aches & pains and heavy periods it can be a very stressful time, and it’s often a sensitive and personal matter, that women feel unable or embarrassed to talk to their employer. Some women take time off without disclosing the real reason for their absence.
- 72.3% of menopausal women are in the workplace
- Menopause is often mis-diagnosed as a Mental Health Condition by GPs with Mental Health First Aiders in the Workplace offering no support
- Many women feel they need extra support & advice in the workplace
- 80% of women will experience symptoms some will be severe and debilitating
- Others consider working part-time or leaving their employment due to symptoms and the impact on their career.
Without Employers support, it’s increasingly likely that the effects of Peri Menopause will mean that women call in sick, lose confidence in doing their role, suffer from stress, anxiety, depression or leave their employment.
Here's what a few Clients of The Hormone Fairy's mentioned on their experience . . .
"I am tired and irritable so this has affected my performance in work"
"Anxiety and brain fog affects my focus in work".
"I don’t take as many jobs on (self employed)"
"Terrible memory meant I struggled to remember to complete all tasks required I my job".
"I left my job because of anxiety"
"At work thinking I am wrong and my memory has been effected which was always brilliant before"
"Affected my memory where I made a mistake at work and was demoted. Thankfully wasn’t to serious"
"Inappropriate reactions to written or verbal communication at work"
"I’m struggling to control my moods at work"
"My Menopause Champion is Male, and he says I don’t fit the criteria as I’m too young!"
"Couldn't concentrate at work, kept forgetting things, became anxious about regular meetings, had time off sick every month due to pre-menstrual headaches"
For Employers & Managers in the Workplace, Menopause is a health and wellbeing concern that needs mindful handling.
As some of our clients mentioned above, brain fog and tiredness can result in a woman making mistakes and lacking in confidence in her abilities, support from her Employers and Colleagues is key. Many women don't feel comforable speaking with the companies "Mental Health First Aider" or "Menopause Champion".
For information on Menopause from ACAS Managing the effects of the menopause: Menopause at work - Acas
Available Services for Peri Menopause in the Workplace
Workshops or Lunch & Learn Sessions – In person or online
Menopause in the Workshop for Line Managers & HR
- Informal Menopause Coffee Chats in the Workplace
- 121 Consultations for Employees
- Menopause Mentor - External 121 Support for Employees
Natural Solutions for Menopause, 8 Week Online Course for Employees – Gain understanding into symptoms with Diet, Herbs, Supplement & Lifestyle Advice to ease symptoms.