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Can I still have a baby if I’m in Peri Menopause?

The thought of having another baby in your peri menopause years, how does that make you feel?

My client called me up the other day in tears, she was mid 40's and her period was late, she was wracking her brains trying to figure out if she could possibly be pregnant, the last thing she needed during lockdown!

Menopause Baby is the term used when a peri menopausal woman conceives and gives birth to a baby.

When we miss a few periods, it’s common to think it’s menopause knocking at your door. But irregular periods are normal in our 40’s, and not necessarily a sign that we are infertile. They say the chances of a woman falling pregnant naturally over 45 is slim, about 1% but it doesn’t mean it can’t happen. I have clients who have had a “bonus baby” as they call it. Some women conceive naturally in their 50’s, its rare but can happen.

I take a Pregnancy test at least 3 x per year just to make sure.  As I work hard on my diet and hormone routine I’m back to a pretty regular cycle. My lover knows my cycle extremely well, I’m pretty sure he must diarise it, the times when my period is late my lovers face shows sheer panic!  (Have to admit it scares me too, my kids are grown up and a baby is the last thing I need when my career and enjoying life is my focus).

Menopause Babies often come as women in the peri menopause don’t think they can get pregnant anymore and get careless or stop using contraception. It can also happen to those women who have struggling in conceiving their whole life and suddenly find they can!

If you’re not keen on a Menopause baby

If the patter of tiny feet, sleepless nights and nappy changing fill you with dread, then the rule of thumb is don’t throw away those contraceptives just yet if your periods have stopped. Keep a log of your period in an app, and note the dates you are sexually active. You need to wait a year after your last period or 2 years if you’re under 50. Always check with your Doctor or health coach for guidance. Some research shows that hormone replacement therapy can increase fertility, and there have been reports of post menopause women conceiving!

Let me know how you would feel about having a late Menopause Baby, or maybe you're an older Mum.


The Hormone Fairy VIP Club is for busy women in their 40s and 50s who want to improve their hormones, understand the peri menopause, improve their energy and their moods!

This community was created for women like you (and quite frankly like me) who want to balance their hormones and moods naturally, who want to feel supported, heard and understood!  Who are ready to be inspired and are motivated to implement some changes in their health and their life going forward.

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How can The Hormone Fairy help you during Menopause?

Are you struggling with your Hormones, you don’t have to be a hostage to them.   This is the prime of your life and it’s time to step into your power, feel happier, sexy and back to your old self.

Let me, Cat The Hormone Fairy wave my magic wand!  If you’re ready for something different, ready to take the first step on a journey to a healthier and happier you, then I’m excited to help you make those changes.

  • Book a Breakthrough session to find out how you can work with me.  Whether that’s 121 Hormone Coaching, Hormone Testing, a Group 30 Day program or a Menopause Mastermind. Click the link below to book a 15-minute chat or drop me a message via the contact page.
  • JOINour Private Facebook Hub where you can ask me questions, learn more of my top tips, feel supported, join challenges and make new friends.  Click here to enter
  • Attend an Event Come along to our Monthly Menopause Meet-ups locally, Menopause & Mochas during the day or Mocktails & Menopause in the evening. Organised with my sister company "Menopause Tribe" – A chance to chat, learn, share experiences, feel supported, make friends and have fun.  There’s also 1 Day Workshops & Retreats, and weekend Retreats to help you get back on track.  Keep an eye out on our Website, Facebook Page, Instagram for our latest events.

This blog is intended for advice, you are responsible for your own health & wellbeing. Please book a consultation for individualised advice or speak with your GP or Health Practitioner

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