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9 foods for Anxiety and Depression in Menopause


Struggling with your mood swings, anxiety or depression, it's common in women with Hormonal Imbalance, Peri Menopause and Post Menopause.  A poor functioning gut can lead to unwanted hormonal symptoms.  During a client consultation I look for signs of inflammation and often recommend nutrition plans or detox to help fix the microbiome first (the bacteria in the gut).

Scientists have studied the association with foods and the brain and identified 9 nutrients that could help your moods.

Here's some nutrients to add to your diet to improve brain function and moods.

Calcium plays an important role in maintaining strong bones and healthy blood vessels, and in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.  Low levels can also play a role in PMS and depression in females.  A calcium deficiency affects more women than men, so women need to make sure they are getting the correct amount of daily requirements.  It’s not just found in dairy products, add it to vitamin D and it can help mood fluctuations in pre-menstrual syndrome.  Oestrogen plays a large role in calcium production, and calcium consumption may improve Premenstrual related depression.

Chromium This mineral is needed to regulate insulin, the hormone that regulates sugar, and a lack can lead to diabetes related conditions like vision loss and high blood pressure.  Eating chromium rich foods helps the brains levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and melatonin, which helps the brain regulate emotions and moods.

Folate Often known as Folic acid or B9, this helps support the serotonin regulation.  Serotonin passes messages between the nerve cells and helps the brain manage a variety of functions, from determining mood to regulating social behaviour.  Folate and B12 are often combined to treat depression.  On its own folate helps to boost antidepressant medication.

Iron plays an important role in the body transporting oxygen to supporting energy levels and aiding muscle strength.  Low levels of iron can lead to feelings of fatigue and depression.  Iron deficiency is more common in women than men, especially women of childbearing age.  Keeping enough iron in the body is important as fatigue, apathy and mood changes associated with iron deficiency can often lead to depression.

Magnesium is a mineral that plays over 300 roles in maintaining and protecting the body’s health.  Deficiency can cause irritability, fatigue, mental confusion, and a predisposition to stress.  Magnesium helps in the development in serotonin, which contributes to feelings of happiness.  Due to its ability to help regulate emotions, magnesium is a common element in homeopathic remedies for balancing moods.

Omega-3 These fatty acids play an important role in brain health and contribute 18% of the brains weight!  The body doesn’t produce omega-3s naturally, so this fatty acid needs to be consumed.  A deficiency can lead to fatigue, mood swings, memory decline and depression.  Studies have shown that eating fish high in levels of omega-3 fatty acids decrease the risk of depression and suicide.  Other sources include chia seeds, increasing your omega-3s may help to combat depression.

Vitamin B6 helps the production of neurotransmitters which send messages to the rest of the body.  A deficiency can cause short term anaemia, a weakened immune system, confusion and depression.  Eating foods rich in vitamin B6 helps to regulate the brain function, which helps the emotions.  Vitamin B6 is also useful for women suffering with premenstrual tension or premenstrual depression.

Vitamin B12 is essential for the creation of red blood cells and nerves.  Low levels can cause fatigue, depression and sometimes paranoia.  It’s naturally found in meats, eggs, and animal by products, meaning vegetarians and vegans may have an increased risk of the deficiency.

Vitamin D helps to regular cell growth, plays an important role in helping the immune system and when taken with calcium it protects the bones.  Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to depression in both men and women.  Lower levels of zinc are often associated with an indoor lifestyle, limited sun exposure and low levels of vitamin D rich foods.

Zinc plays an important role in supporting a heathy immune system and helping the body to protect the gut from damage.  If you have low levels of zinc in the diet you may find your immune system is weaker, you may lose your appetite, suffer with anaemia or hair loss, and depression.  Vegetarians need 50% more zine than non-vegetarians due to the body’s lower rate of absorption.  Zinc can improve the response of antidepressants whilst reducing the side effects association with the medication.

You can find nutrients in food and should be adding these to your  daily diet, if you feel you need support in absorbing nutrients and fixing your microbiome book a discovery call below.

You can also add them by taking high quality food supplements, click on this link to order supplements 

Buy My Nutritional Supplements

How can The Hormone Fairy help you during Menopause?

Are you struggling with your Hormones, you don’t have to be a hostage to them.   This is the prime of your life and it’s time to step into your power, feel happier, sexy and back to your old self.

Let me, Cat The Hormone Fairy wave my magic wand!  If you’re ready for something different, ready to take the first step on a journey to a healthier and happier you, then I’m excited to help you make those changes.

  • Book a Breakthrough session to find out how you can work with me.  Whether that’s 121 Hormone Coaching, Hormone Testing, a Group 30 Day program or a Menopause Mastermind. Click the link below to book a 15-minute chat or drop me a message via the contact page.
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  • Attend an Event Come along to our Monthly Menopause Meet-ups locally, Menopause & Mochas during the day or Mocktails & Menopause in the evening. Organised with my sister company "Menopause Tribe" – A chance to chat, learn, share experiences, feel supported, make friends and have fun.  There’s also 1 Day Workshops & Retreats, and weekend Retreats to help you get back on track.  Keep an eye out on our Website, Facebook Page, Instagram for our latest events.


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