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5 top tips to beat Cellulite


Bikini Season is here, and a few women at the Menopause & Mocha Meet-up were talking about cellulite, and how they didn't feel they could wear a Bikini now they were entering the Peri-menopause or post menopause phase of life.

Here's my 5 top foods to munch your way through to help target the dreaded orange peel skin


They’re great brain food. They’re high in protein, which is essential for keeping your skin and connective tissue health and elastic, reducing the appearance of cellulite. A diet high in protein also increases weight loss, which will reduce the build up of fat cells that can contribute to body fat.

Top Tip – For a protein rich breakie, whip up an omelette or enjoy a hard-boiled egg with some spinach.


These are a great source of energy, and high in omega fats which help your blood health and circulation, keeping the blood flowing helps with cellulite. These fats also help your complexion, keeping water inside your skin cells, making your skin appear plumper and reducing the orange peel effect.

Top Tip – Snack on a handful of walnuts in between meals to keep hunger pangs at bay.

Green Tea

Is one of the highest sources of antioxidants. By sipping on this drink, it will help you to excrete those nasty toxins that can add to the build up of cellulite. It also stimulates the release of stored fats in your body, which can leave you with dimpled skin.

Top Tip Swap your daily coffee for a cup of Teapigs Match, it contains 100% green tea leaves and 15 times the benefits of regular green tea.


Is an effective cleanser. The fruit is high in vitamin C, which can boost your collagen levels. Collagen smooths out your skin, helping you to reduce the appearance of any unwanted lumps and bumps.

Top Tip – Slice up some kiwi and add it to muesli and natural Greek yoghurt for a fresh delicious breakfast.


Regulates your blood sugar levels. The leafy green veg is rich in an antioxidant called lutein, which can increase your skin hydration levels and elasticity, reducing the appearance of cellulite. It’s also a good source of vitamin A, which can help encourage your body’s production of collagen.

Top Tip – Why not add to raw salads, lightly stream and serve is with some salmon high in omega fats, or now that the weather is changing, throw a handful in some freshly made soup.

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